A great start
I just downloaded this and right off the bat, it is easy to use. My rating is more like 3.5 stars, here are my pros/cons:
• Not retina-display friendly, which makes it hard to read because of the terrible pixelation.
• The layout is just so-so. Could be much more attractively designed.
• Instead of a big ugly logo in the corner of the dashboard, I would like to be able to post a profile pic - something that would be motivational per the user. For instance, being able to post a current “fat” picture of yourself, or posting an older “thin” picture (target weight?), or even just posting a picture of something healthy and delicious (a bushel of tomatoes), or a picture of someone running - something that reminds the user of why we’re trudging along and to not give up the efforts!
• I like that you an add foods easily, such as what you do with Weight Watchers. The app searches the internet to calculate food. You can also manually enter this in. It’s nice to have both options.
Some other additions I think would be useful:
• The ability to set a reminder alarm (to take a vitamin, exercise, etc)
• A field to enter medications and vitamins with times
• A field to track general health (i.e., sleep log, bowel movements, moods/mental health, sickness, menstration, etc). This is especially helpful for someone who wants to not only lose weight, but improve their health in other arenas related to weight loss and nutrition.
IAmShadeflower about
Perfect Diet Tracker