Simple enough to use quickly every day, yet gives you a lot of information about your food and exercise choices in a clear visual format. Even during very busy days, I can take a few seconds to enter food and exercise choices, and see how Im doing. This app brings everything into focus, and keeps you on track and motivated. Without this app, I got distracted by lifes interruptions and derailed, but not any more. Im eating healthier now that I can "see" the composition of what Im eating. And I like to keep that exercise graph above "0"!
Its easy to enter foods, see how they will affect your goals, and change them if need be.
Like another reviewer, I wanted to track of other nutrients, like vitamins, but when I tried a program which did that, planning the perfect nutrional menu was a nightmare. This app is easy, clear, fairly informative, and quick to use; thats what makes it so great.
This app (version 3.6.4) does everything the description said it will do, and functions well. It does not suggest foods to eat; I use a weekly diet menu plan from another source as a general guideline.